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    Discipleship: a matter of both knowing and doing

    Sometimes, there can be a big difference between what people want and what they need. Today on Discover the Word, the team is joined by a special guest to discuss how discipleship is a matter of both knowing . . . and doing. Author Natasha Sistrunk Robinson joins the group to talk about mentoring for life. Listen […]

    What is my purpose? God’s love in action

    It’s Easter, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on God’s great love! Hear the stories of Josh, who finds that no amount of running can separate him from God’s love, and Matt, who learns that the love of Jesus gives us life abundantly!

    Peace and Contentment

    This year, I entered into a new age bracket—the forties. Unlike the unsettling twenties where many of life’s major decisions are often made (such as choosing a career or deciding who to marry) and the tumultuous thirties (where one may be establishing a career or working towards financial stability), for some the forties mean a time of greater peace. This has been true for me: I find my life settling into a new, calm state. I’m not sure how long this feeling will last, but for now at least, I’m enjoying peace and contentment.

    Living Proverbially

    Deep in the African bush lives a missionary couple named Bob and Martha, who have served in Namalu (a village in Karomoja, Uganda) for more than fifteen years. Despite formidable challenges such as surrounding tribal conflicts, it is here that they’ve chosen to raise their children and joyfully lead a vibrant ministry.

    Maintaining the Proper Relationship

    …the friend of the bridegroom… —John 3:29

    Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness; it is only an influence which awakens undue emotions and…

    Decreasing for His Purpose

    He must increase, but I must decrease. —John 3:30

    If you become a necessity to someone else’s life, you are out of God’s will. As a servant, your primary responsibility is to be a “friend of the bridegroom” (John 3:29). When you see a person who is close to grasping the claims of Jesus Christ, you know that your…

    Everyone Has a Story

    The speaker at our conference asked us to gather in groups of three with people we had never met. He told us to each take one minute to tell the others about ourselves and share the story of one person we wanted God to bless. One man said he wanted God to bless his wife who was battling cancer while she cared for her invalid mother. Another praised God for healing his wife’s cancer but said he was concerned for his adult son who was far from God.

    Broken Community

    Many of our neighbors’ experiences have left them wondering how to reconcile what they know of the church with what they know of God. They’ve tasted harshness in place of conviction, rejection in lieu of love, and isolation instead of family. Sadly, refraining from any local church involvement has become a norm for them.

    It’s Not Me

    While on vacation recently, I gave my razor a rest and grew a beard. Various responses came from friends and co-workers—and most were complimentary. One day, however, I looked at the beard and decided, “It’s not me.” So out came the razor.

    I’ve been thinking about the idea of who we are and why one thing or another does not fit our personality. Primarily, it’s because God has bestowed us with individual differences and preferences. It’s okay that we don’t all like the same hobbies, eat the same foods, or worship in the same church. We are each uniquely and “wonderfully…

    Discovering the true riches of life

    The Bible has a lot to say about money. And John Cortines has always had a knack for handling it. He graduated high school with $10,000 in the bank. He finished college with $100,000 in his account. But it was while he was in Harvard Business School getting his MBA that he says he discovered […]

    Being a servant of the wealth God gave you

    When it comes to money, are you naturally a spender or a saver? Do you tend to sock it away, or buy a lot of stuff? Well, there’s actually a third option. Today on Discover the Word, we are joined by John Cortines to talk about how, as followers of Christ, we can be servants […]

    Should We Give Help but Not Receive it?

    During dinner some days ago, my father lamented about how times have changed. It used to be that bosses care about their workers even outside of work.

    Is This True of Me?

    None of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself… —Acts 20:24

    It is easier to serve or work for God without a vision and without a call, because then you are not bothered by what He requires. Common sense, covered with a layer of Christian emotion, becomes your guide. You may be more prosperous and successful from the world’s perspective, and…

    His Commission to Us

    Feed My sheep. —John 21:17

    This is love in the making. The love of God is not created— it is His nature. When we receive the life of Christ through the Holy Spirit, He unites us with God so that His love is demonstrated in us. The goal of the indwelling Holy Spirit is not…

    Ways to Die for Your Spouse

    As a “new husband” trying to score brownie points with my wife (and also because I wanted to get our first Valentine’s Day together right), I had been thinking of ways to “die” for my wife (Ephesians 5:25).

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